Char Sold

Skillboard Link:
Pw: 1234
B/O: 43b
Wallet Balance: 0
Location: Highsec (jita)
Jump Clones:
Kill rights: none
Attributes: Remap available now
Rorqual Lodestrike Skin
Abaddon Blood Raiders
Apostle Cold Iron
Punisher Cold Iron
Chimera Matigu Seabeast
Crusader Purity of the Throne
Capsule YC119 Capsuleer Day

please only bid here if possible, i hardly login the character

1 Like

ill bid 30b

34 b b/o?

40B B/O

Thanks for the offers so far, first to offer 43b gets the character

still for sale

Still taking offers

still for sale

40.5 bil

Thanks for the offer, i will accept the highest bid above 40b when i come home tonight, 19:00 eve time.

one more hour to go, currently Iseemir would get it, if he has the money ready.

Iseemir, if you have the 40.5b ready, we can start the transfer if you wish, send the money to apryl and send a mail with the account you would want the character transfered to please.

Betting still Online ?

officially closed, but if I don’t get a response from “Iseemir” i will reopen it most likely, thanks for your interest

wellcome :slight_smile:

Iseemir, you have till 20:00eve time to respond, else i put the character back out for bidding.

I’d be interested if he doesn’t respond

Me too i would take it for 40 B o7

Alright, sorry but no response from Iseemir means the character is up for bids again.
Starting bid: 40b
Bidding closes tomorrow, 10th of November, 18:00 Eve-Time or sooner, if somebody has the buyout money ready.
Happy bidding guys, and thanks for the interest and patience.


so 43 Right now ?