Character sold

This character has been sold, and the transfer initiated. Thank you for your interest.

4b ready

Thanks for the bid!

Auction is open until 2023.12.06 00:00 (EVE time), or until the buyout is reached. That’s a one week period. :slight_smile:


offer 4,2, if I can get to see the skills on him

Apologies, I didn’t realize the SkillQ character page was not public by default; a public link has now been added.


retract the offer as I cant wait that long :wink:

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Bump! Only three days left on this auction.

4.5bil b/o

Thanks for the bid!

Only 28 hours left on this auction.

5B Offer, isk ready now.

5.1bil offer


Thank you for the bids!

6 hours left on the bidding period for this character, after which the winning bidder will be contacted.

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6 Bil

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Actually for a grauanteed sell, I’ll meet BO of 7B

If accepted, I’ll send isk now.

Deal accepted, I will log in now to verify receipt of ISK and begin transfer process. :slight_smile:

Isk sent

ISK received! Send me a PM in game or on the forums with the account name to receive the character, and I will begin the transfer.

In game mail sent