Too late: Sold


Looks like my master is looking to ditch me. So i am open for good offers.

Character Highlights:
:white_check_mark: Total Skill Points : 50.5 Million SP
:white_check_mark: Wallet : Positive Balance
:white_check_mark: Bomber, Blops, Marauder plus Dread
:white_check_mark: No Kill Rights
:white_check_mark: Remaps Available : Yes
:white_check_mark: Located in High-Sec

My skills

Auction Details:

:green_circle: Starting Bid: 47b
:green_circle: Buyout: 55b
:green_circle: I reserve the right to not sell the character if there are no serious offers

Rules & Compliance:
:heavy_check_mark: I will pay for the transfer fee
:heavy_check_mark: Character is in an NPC corp as per CCP rules
:heavy_check_mark: All CCP Character Bazaar rules apply

45b offer

50B offer

51b offer

Thanks for the offers, i will let this go until tomorrow (wednesday) @ 21.00 Eve Time.

51.5b offer

53 bil

Buyout is set.

@FavBlue is currently highest bidder.

@FavBlue - Looks like you have won and become my new master. Congrats.

If you can send me details and isk, i will start the transfer.

Excellent. Will do shortly.

@Massene ISK sent. Please confirm receipt. Cheers!

Isk and details received, initiating transfer.

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Account: xxxxxx
Payment ID: 58646736
1 x Character Transfer

Transfer is started. Grats with me!

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Character received. Many thanks!

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And you, enjoy!

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