Character SOLD

Can fly Phoenix T2 (siege, missile) / Amarr cruiser V / Caldari cruiser V / T2 Missiles and Laser / Caldari Battleship V
Caldari battlecruiser V / Caldari Carrier / Rhea (jf) / Caldari and Gallante DST / Orca

Born 2006
Good standing with Caldari / Amarr
Positive wallet
5.5 security status.
Generally well rounded.
Start bid 90B B/O 120B

Lets start :slight_smile: 95B

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Thank you for your bid! Getting closer still looking for more bids. :blush:

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Can you do a fast b/o of (edited) Thank you.

I would love to, but maximum I can go up is 100B, no more in the wallet :slight_smile:

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105b offer


Thank you for your offer but still looking for bit more. :slight_smile:

can you do 111b/o? (this is my alt of the seller)



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Can you do 110B B/O?


Sent you a mail.

hey can you do 100rn? thank you

yes I can. Please confirm that you are accepting my 100Bil offer and I will send Iskies and account name for transfer to the selling character.

100B B/O accepted thank you

Please let me know when the iskis are sent :smiley:

:slight_smile: soon, in a few minutes, i will let you know

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ISK sent together with account name where to transfer the character.
Thank you

Logging off and would start transfer in a min or two. sorry due to tech issue might take a bit more time but if I dont respond for a day or two please leave a support ticket.