SOLD - WTS 75Mill SP well Rounded PVP / ALT / Jump Freighter / Caps

Marauders 5
Strong Missiles Skils
Can fly Jump Freighters
Can fly Hulk
High Tengu skills
5 Jump clone available (1 in use, 4 available)
Cap ships 4
Caldari Dread 4
Security Status 3.2
Caldari Missions 4+
+4 Implants
2 Remaps

Has positive wallet, no rill rights or assets
Is in newbie corp and is located in high sec

65B starting bid
85B buyout

I’ll start :slight_smile: 65B bid

daily bump

Going to Sunday for 65B if no one else

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Sunday Obituary, offer is accepted. Please send isk to this character and I pay the transfer fee

Per Character Bazaar rules, ISK must be sent to the character being sold. I also need confirmation of an accepted bid from Henrik Okaski. As soon as I have confirmation, I will send the ISK.

my apologies, was logged in as another toon for sale

This bid is accepted Sunday, please send the isk and details

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No problem, just want to do everything by the book :slight_smile:

ISK and account details sent. Thanks!

Isk received, transfer completed

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