5.4 M SP.
Exhumers 5. Some other stuff.
Highwall Mining Implant 3% to yield.
No kill rights, positive wallet, one remap, npc corp, I pay transfer fee.
B/o 5.5
5.4 M SP.
Exhumers 5. Some other stuff.
Highwall Mining Implant 3% to yield.
No kill rights, positive wallet, one remap, npc corp, I pay transfer fee.
B/o 5.5
5B if you dont transfer it by plex.
Accepted, I will be on within the hour to get it started.
Transfer won’t be done by plex.
I will send ISK and account details.
Could you wait a couple of hours to start the transfer as I had to biomass an empty toon, finished in 2-3 hours. I will send you a seperate message to say when its ready.
Yeah sure.
Just put the account name in an eve mail along with a time that it’s safe to start the transfer from. Do it as eve time just to keep it simple
Confirming receipt of ISK and account name. Will start the transfer at 9pm eve time as ask for by buyer.
Character Name: Casperina
Will be completed after: 8/13/2018 7:17:38 AM
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