No, go away.
That’s not a bad idea, but LP is individual while structures are owned by corporations. That would have to be solved somehow.
I was thinking an lp store item.
But reading your post made me realise there is already a mechanic for ‘donating’ lp. I-hub upgrades.
Would it so far fetched to donate lp to a structure?
And by the way CCP, this is another reason corp tax on lp would be awesome…
The proliferation may have less to do with warfare than with the insane amount of structure blueprints that routinely drop. If it’s easy to get one, there’s no urgency to protecting one, but it still should be hard to take one down, it’s a citadel fer cripe’s sake.
If you’re proposing that the flag on the mast change in favor of the winning force, that’s somewhat interesting, but I don’t want to be playing WoW in Space.
If its difficult to get one they become very expensive and for the rich only. Goons can still spam but everyone else can’t. But if they are both easy to get and easy to destroy, it puts focus back onto the ships/players.
Spammed Astrahus shouldn’t take a week to take out. But Johnny-hisec’s homebase for his little corp should. So maybe we should go back to stront fuelling/extending reinforce timers.
I should’ve said easy to replace, which is relative to industrial capabilities and expendable assets as much as the quantity of BP drops.
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