Client crashes upon launch while AirPlay is active

If AirPlay is active, launching the client results in a crash. It crashes so bad that no logs are written out beyond what is found in LogLite. You CAN launch the client before turning on AirPlay, then move the client window to the Airplay screen, but if you go into setting the client either crashes or becomes inaccessible.

OS: 10.15.1 Catalina
Hardware: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)
Processor: 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
Graphics: Radeon Pro 450 2 GB
Intel HD Graphics 530 1536 MB

Steps to Repro:

  1. Airplay to an external source
  2. Launch client through the Eve Launcher
  3. Boom!

Writing out stacktrace at C:/tq/logs/#stacktrace b1633921 2019.05.16 22.05.24.txt
STACKTRACE #1 logged at 12/16/2019 17:05:24 : Exception in stack-trace-all, shutdown bombing

Common path prefix = c:/buildagent/work/d2d8a22a74178531/eve/release/release

Traced at:

/packages/trinity/ _ImportDll
/packages/trinity/ _RobustImport
/packages/trinity/ Quit
/packages/logmodule/ Quit
reason = 'Failed to import _trinity_stub_deploy ("ImportError(\'No module named _trinity_stub_deploy\',)")'

Thread Locals: session was None
Stackhash: -1078192281
Reported from: logmodule

Still having issues with the new launcher beta.

STACKTRACE #1 logged at 12/25/2019 20:43:35 : Exception in stack-trace-all, shutdown bombing

Common path prefix = c:/buildagent/work/d2d8a22a74178531/eve/release/release

Traced at:

/packages/trinity/ _ImportDll
/packages/trinity/ _RobustImport
/packages/trinity/ Quit
/packages/logmodule/ Quit
reason = 'Failed to import _trinity_stub_deploy ("ImportError(\'No module named _trinity_stub_deploy\',)")'

Thread Locals: session was None
Stackhash: -1078192281
Reported from: logmodule

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