[CLOSE] WTS 9M pure trade char

SkillQ.net - Dawn Hill
Dawn Hill Board - Quantum Anomaly (qsna.eu)
Positive wallet
Positive Sec Status
No kill rights
All CCP Rules Apply.

Starting price: 4B
B/O price: 9B
I’ll pay transfer fee.
ISK goes to this character.

offer 4b

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5 b/o

I can pay for 5.5b.thanks

I’ll offer 5.6B

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I can pay for 5.7b

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I can offert 7b. Can you share another link whit you skill? taht page dont work

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SkillQ is not working, not sure this link would work either. Lemme know if there was a problem:
Dawn Hill Board - Quantum Anomaly (qsna.eu)

works for me

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Doesnt work.

Sorry guys, this char is no longer for sale, thanks!

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