Closed. Found a home

Hey @Ferrus_Mehtalls

If you’d be interested in living in lowsec we here at Filthy Peasants may be a good fit for you.

Filthy Peasants is a US TZ lowsec/npc 0.0 pvp corp that lives in the Solitude region. We’re all players who enjoy pvp and are constantly on the look out for the next good fight. Our ops are mainly lowsec/0.0 roams, blops hunting, capital drops, and occasional structure bash/defense ops.

Our culture is very casual with a relaxed atmosphere and no expectations other than to pvp when available. We have established leadership and great FCs that work hard to provide us content. We also have a variety of ISK making opportunities available such as exploration, missions, ratting, and moon mining if your low on money.

If you’re interested join our public channel Open Filth to come talk to us.