(Closed)WTB 15B Buy Focused Naglfar/Revelation Dread Pilot

Please reply with price and charactor link

Seller will pay transfer fee






I got this Rev alt, please have a look.


i will take this charactor
now I should send 14b to Billy Arakal?

I make a sale thread for it, so it is official.

Please confirm here.

14B ISK have sent to :Billy Arakal

my account name :evegyhchinois1011

give me 10 hours time
then send character to me

OK, I will start transfer tomorrow moring.

hi guys
you can transfer now

Trying transfer now, getting constant login errors on website (due to DDOs?), hopefully you receive email soon.

OK it went through now, thank you for patience.

I successfully got it
thx guys

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