private transfer 3 chars
Caldari Citizen 1980817636
Total SP: 920k
Male - Caldari - Civire - Entrepreneurs
Possitive Wallet
Birthday :30.03.2005
Bonus remap :3
Located in highsec.
Caldari Citizen 419277643
Total SP: 512k
Female - Caldari - Deteis - Merchandisers
Positive wallet
Birthday: 15.04.2005
Bonus remap:3
Located in highsec.
Minmatar Citizen 571894943
Total SP: 708k (free sp: 512k)
Male - Minmatar - Brutor - Slave Child
Positive wallet
Birthday: 29.05.2005
Bonus remap:3
Located in highsec.

i’m for sale

i’m for sale too

i’m for sale too

i get isk
send me account info to tranfer

You have chosen to transfer the character Minmatar Citizen 571894943 to the account named ME410. at 00:45 ET

You have chosen to transfer the character Caldari Citizen 419277643 to the account named ME109Z. at 01:10 ET

You have chosen to transfer the character Caldari Citizen 198081736 to the account named JU87B. at 01:20 ET

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