WTA 2x 2005 Characters 800k SP 3b reserve

Starter corporations docked in starter systems. Positive wallet, sec status and no kills/losses.

Caldari character can be renamed via petition.

Minmatar Character: Matar Iban
Caldari Character: SOLD SOLD SOLD

Reserve is 3b each

Confirmed for sale

Bump, reserve lowered to 3b.

character sheets



Caldari Citizen 463644660 3b isk

3,25b for Caldari Citizen 463644660 now.

Thanks for bid, will let the auction roll another 12h and highest bids get.

ok, send isk and account name to me and I willbegin transfer for Caldari Citizen

if hes not paying, ill take him for 3,25b.

alright, 3.25b and its yours

send isk and username

So, deal? @Scan_and_bookmark

Lets wait until the OP arrives.

I dont care who. Avallah I will accept your offer as it was my first bid accepted. Just send the isk and account.

Did it a few hours ago, thanks

MInmatar character still available



I will take Matar Iban for 3bil b/o.

Isk sent for Matar Iban as agreed in game, and account name evemailed.

Accepted, will start transfer here