
First login since first making,
Been renamed,
Positive Wallet,
Located in Highsec,
No Killrights,
No Clones,
No Corp History,
3 Bonus Remaps.

Auction will end the morning of wed 13th feb, highest bit at that time takes me.

4 bil

4,5 B


1 Like



@Roger Balek You are winning bidder if you wish to continue with the purchase of this char please send isk

4,5 B and destination account name transfered

ISK and account name received.
Transfer in progress.
Thank you

Character Transfer Received

Another player is transferring the character Caldari Citizen 2066103874 to your account named ********.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on the sender account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

Thank you !

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