Imp for sale
Located in hi sec
Isk only offers accepted
trades will be declined
Imp for sale
Located in hi sec
Isk only offers accepted
trades will be declined
Do you want Crystalline Carbonide Reaction Formula or just isk?
Read the post and try again.
Post clearly states isk only
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Do you accept physical favors… I can give you minigin… He is soft.
Thanks for the bump
To the top
Release me from this ship
340 ill take it.
Thanks for the bump
350b I take it
Thabks for the free bump
np , I bump good AT Ships all day
sending mail ingame
All mails replied to.
Bump to top
Bump to top
whats it currently at?
this is not an auction. this is a sale, hence why its in the sales section of the forums
if u wish to make an offer then shoot me a mail,
Then just name a price… it doesn’t have to be all secretive… WTS Imp XXX billion. Easy
Yea I hate it. Told him the same I offerd 300b and he just said no… I love people like that
It will sit in Forum for many months to come if he acts like that