
Imp for sale

Located in hi sec

Isk only offers accepted

trades will be declined

Do you want Crystalline Carbonide Reaction Formula or just isk?

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Read the post and try again.

Post clearly states isk only

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Do you accept physical favors… I can give you minigin… He is soft.

Thanks for the bump

To the top

Release me from this ship

340 ill take it.

Thanks for the bump

350b I take it :slight_smile:

Thabks for the free bump

np , I bump good AT Ships all day :slight_smile:

sending mail ingame

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Bump to top

Bump to top

whats it currently at?

this is not an auction. this is a sale, hence why its in the sales section of the forums

if u wish to make an offer then shoot me a mail,

Then just name a price… it doesn’t have to be all secretive… WTS Imp XXX billion. Easy

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Yea I hate it. Told him the same I offerd 300b and he just said no… I love people like that :rofl:

It will sit in Forum for many months to come if he acts like that

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