
26 bil

27 bill

28 bil

We have a winner.

Peter Kanen, send isk and account info.

Isk and account info sent.


Isk and account info received.

Ticket for the character transfer created(#517243).


Haven’t received mail that transfer has started. Any update?

No response from support yet.

Gotcha. Thanks

Any update on transferring the character?

Still no response from them.

If you wouldn’t mind, could you also create a ticket refering this transfer, the id is the one in the last post ?

Thanks and sorry for the wait.

I put in one right after you and no response yet. I forgot how crappy CCP’s customer service is.

Finally got an answer. Obviously CCP couldn’t find plex in the citadel hangar, after moving them to vault I’ve replied with that info. Hopefully it will be transferred in the next few hours.

CCP finished the transfer. Thanks.

Received. Will update topic to closed

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