[Closing] A great hook to rise player base

Sure, but that gap is best bridged by jumping into the sandbox and learning.

An instanced pvp situation where incompetent players go up against other incompetent players doesn’t teach. it gives a false sense of security to some that will be instantly smashed when they do step into the sandbox; and doesn’t encourage others to join the sandbox at all.

It’s far better to encourage players to experience the actual sandbox and come up against far superior skilled players, many of whom will reach out to teach and almost all of whom will respond to questions from new players.

Isolating people away from the sandbox is counter to a good learning experience.


Yess I totally agree with this.
There should be not only a risk of losing your ship but also an opportunity for other players to hunt you, content should be provided.

What I don’t get is how much it is relevant to PvP event for 1 day that occurs twice a month?
Can you share your thoughts on it please?

Thanks, I finally got your point and it is a very good one.

I totally agree that there is much more in EVE PvP than just ship fighting. And this is what makes EVE unique, truly.
I found such moments thrilling and there is nearly no any other game that gives you this kind of experience.

What I am trying to say is that it might be easier and probably more desirable to engage into complex PvP aspects if you have basic understanding of how to control your vessel in a fight with real people who will destroy your ship if you don’t destroy theirs.

(@Scipio_Artelius the following part is also addressed to you:)

What I mean by basic understanding is to be able to:

  • Remember to turn on your rep in time and NOT overrep
  • Overheat your modules without them being burnt out
  • Manage your fight distance to apply or mitigate incoming damage

I strongly believe that nothing but ship fighting with other players incentivize one to learn this basics.

But current opportunity to get this basic ship management skills is very expensive in terms either ISK and efforts.
You either need to be wealthy IRL to afford spending real money for ISK to lose ships with somewhat good fittings (T2/meta4) or you need a corp that give you ships.
And still the feedback loop is very long just to get you familiar and form some habit to be able to learn more deep aspects of PvP mechanics and opportunities.

Does it make any sense to you guys?

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Yeah that stuff just comes from practice. Which goes back to my number 2.

Whilst i admit, that kind of practice can be had in an arena, I still say no because that kind of practice can also be had in the sandbox, whilst learning about the sandbox as well. Even when you’re losing you can still say to yourself ‘damn i should have overheated my reps’ or ask yourself 'maybe i should have tried to get transversal instead of closing range’. The arena is superfluous to that kind of learning and instead adds a lot of detriment to the sandbox, like taking content away and giving players misconceptions about what’s ‘fair’.

There’s just so much wrong with it. Like how very recently CCP made the controversial decision to declare players ganking people entering/coming out of event arenas an exploit. A massive ‘■■■■-you’ to the sandbox. They also get meta-gamed…People want match-making…people who learn in arenas want to stay in arenas…boundaries vs endless kiting…different fits because no warp disruption…

I could go on and on. But if by now I haven’t convinced you, then i suppose i never will. This will always be a 100% no from me. A non-starter. And I’ll leave it at that.


Whilst i don’t think much of your idea. You have been a good poster. It may sound silly for me to say that, but it is truly rare for an OP to not become hostile and instead stick with a thread after the first ‘no your idea is bad’.

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You know what, you actually convinced me :smiley:

This is very good point.
I experienced it myself at latest arena with navy frigates. Even more, it was more like rock-paper-scissors game rather than real experience.
It felt very different from how it was when I first learned fighting while flying in FW regions.
Back then it were some guys around and it was really fun! And pretty much affordable because you fight while you farm.

I still think that there is a problem of learning curve for new player attraction to PvP.
But now I don’t consider my idea the best to solve it.
It will probably be much, much better to fix FW state. I heard some rumors that it could be reworked next year actually… I think I just wait and see what will it be.

Thank you very much for helping me to make up my mind :slight_smile:
@Scipio_Artelius @Drogon_Mace @Kenrailae @Xuxe_Xu @Syeed_Ameer_Ali and thank you guys too o/


It’s not best idea but it is ok. Fit difference is not actually a problem. When you know base concepts you can adapt to need of warp disruption. No endless kiting actually complicates things.
IMO Real problem is that this will compete for players with all other EVE.

Alternative and IMO better way is to add points of newbie PvP interest in playground (EVE is no longer true sandbox). FW, seasonal events, pirate incursion concept I newer finished, etc.

There is one resource that EVE demand too much for many people (including me). Time

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