So we had a chat on another thread, but then the Trolls came out. And the ‘Forum PvP’ crowd? Something like that.
I wrote this:
I had to think about this.
Basically the price of stuff is pretty high. And ticks are pretty low.
After the ‘EVE is hard’ comments consider this: In the real world ( outside, a scary place ) people have less cash to spend. Well, they do in my country anyway.
Rule Number 1 of EVE. If you can’t afford to lose it then don’t undock.
A game that’s so hard you can’t do much…
You need to start raising ticks, NOT nerfing ‘harvesters’ ( like VNI’s & Carriers ). The golden age of PLEX’ing is over.
Content-wise the Abyss etc looks pretty good. With ticks a bit higher that will mean people can afford to undock in stuff that’s a bit shinier.
The key issue I knew of was Baby-seal clubbing. New players getting trounced by older players. So I agree with the need to shake up the Meta.
Jita 4-4 destroyed by the Triglavians. That’ll get some hoarded wealth back into circulation. No warning, just (((( booommm!!! ))))
Also we need a Goonish Civil War. The battle for Null is already lost otherwise. Too big to fail is too big to fail.
Perma-war knackers people out. So I disagree with the anti-crabbing stuff. Crabbing is fun, with the occasional fight you can afford to spice stuff up.
See what I mean?
And… Rule Number 1 is Rule Number 1, as the UK ( my patch ) develops a Public & Private debt issue after 10 yrs of crap wages. The real world is encroaching, & the game needs to adapt to that.
The response I was interested in was this:
To “get gud” you need information.
You’ll either get that the hard way through experience or the easier way through learning in a controlled environment.Learning how to fly a ship where drones are the main focus of combat, and controlling range appropriately with your afterburner for one example.
Or learning about the different ships and why their shield, armor, and hull values are different, and how that’ll affect your engagement with enemies and when you need to GTFO.
Things you can do in inexpensive frigates.
Much as this is true it’s also a race to the bottom. If you want to fly T1 frigates with a skill queue that takes forever then by all means keep ticks & loot small, but…
What if you want to fly something a bit shinier? We have skill injectors, Pirate Hulls, & T2 Hulls.
If it gets harder to pay for these then whole economies will go into decline.
We need ships blowing up, or no-one buys new stuff, but… If people can’t afford to fly shinies then they might just get bored.
The world has changed since EVE’s initial design. Life is harder now, as people run out of cash to spend. So PLEX’ing is harder.
Evolve or die.
Oh, and please keep any discussion civil.