Combat Recon Specialization

I’ve said this in an other thread, but I feel like it’s relevant here

The kitsune thou… The problem it has is a systematic problem that all Caldari ewar ships have, that jams and shield tank both fit in mid slot.

Most fleet fits that I see are armor buffer with ewar rigs to compensate for lack of the signal distortion amps in the low. What I would suggest to counter this isfor all Caldari ewar ships add the following. (Feel free to flame me for this)

  1. T2 Role bonus. 200% bonus to shield extenders
    50% reduction to signature penalties due to shield modules.
  2. T1 Role bound. 125% bonus to shield extenders
    25% reduction to signature penalties due to shield extenders.
    I also would add +1 mid to the kitsune and recon ships.
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