Initial credit for the idea must go to @Lugh_Crow-Slave… he mentioned it in passing and honestly I’ve been very heavily in thought about the subject since then. I love the idea. I’ve always felt that blops BBs would have a VERY fun time in a big fight, but they obviously cannot do this without gloriously dying in a fire.
To start with, the role of this ship - the niche it would occupy.
The targeted engagement profile would be anything that a battleship fleet would normally fill.
The niche is to reduce the reliance on a bridging titan. A group of battleships can rapidly travel to contested space without requiring the capital staging. They’ve got tank so they can actually engage in a sustained fight unlike their cloaky cousins (existing blops BBs).
These battleships would be almost a mixture of roles of the carrier and dread. Where the carrier excels at killing subcaps and is relatively vulnerable to getting defanged by support fleets, and where a dread oppositely suffers from having a hard time killing subcaps but not having to worry about getting defanged, these battleships would be able to mix the capabilities of both.
You’d also be able to have them jump in as subcap support for carrier fleets.
Key highlights:
- T2 resist profile
- Could bridge COMBAT Recons (but not bombers or force recons)
- Roughly 250m sig radius (quite small for a battleship), at a cost of not being able to fit “battleship only” modules such as grapplers and TSBs
The finer details:
- Decently-shiny tank would generally sit around 250-300k EHP
- Decently-shiny dps would generally sit around 800
- Being a T2 BB, I’d expect their decently-shiny cost to sit around 2.5B
Role bonuses:
- D-scan immunity instead of cloaking bonuses
- 75% Jump Fatigue Reduction
- 33% improved ship agility
Blops bonuses:
- Resistance bonus, say 3-4% per level
- 15% reduction in bridging fuel costs per level
Racial BB bonuses:
- Weapon bonuses that play to the strengths of race’s primary weapon platform
Now… if it’s POSSIBLE (I don’t know if it is) I would add one other huge role bonus. But I don’t know if it’s programmatically possible. The ability to jump to a cyno in-system. Why? Because they’d be able to land on something in-system without the delay of waiting to exit warp, at the obvious cost of the capacitor that jump drives use, and of course fatigue.
There still feels like many reasons to use carriers, dreads, and all existing subcaps. What say you? Too OP? Workable? Doesn’t really fill a need that other ships can’t fill better?