Commander Aze

Thanks Pos gunner

Commander is of the highest quality in eves playerbase. I worked with him in Texas last year responding to a hurricane Harvey, not only was he putting in crazy hours like 110+ hours a week, for his job, but managed to find time to insure his corp was still running and staying organized. If the eve playerbase is looking for the whole package this guy is it. There is no way to attack his character as he is honorable in and out of game. Though he does have a tendency to run over his teammates in pubg

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Legit. Frost ‘Aze’ is a American hero. I’ve got his back with my vote.

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I too will back Aze hes a great guy

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Exaggerate a little… just doing my job, also thx guys

What are your views on high sec ganking?

seeing as it’s been nerfed a few times I think other areas need iterations before we turn back to ganking.

I’d also like to pressure ccp to spend a little more time on balance and fixing broken issues.

Media Event Mindclash podcast (Link to audio)

Want to see a more in-depth view of my corporation’s history?

Media / Community Event (run by Jin Taan

PVE Roundtable

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Just saw the model for the praxis jovian battleship. This could be a lot of fun to fly or add to my collection

I should start a career as CSM killer… or maybe as someone who pays CSM killers… : - )

Come find me in delve <3 open invite

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Sadly I will not be at Fanfest I wish I could but alas work calls, however I am working diligently to get the time off for Vegas this year despite it being in the middle of hurricane season. Here is hoping for a quiet year disaster wise. I’m thinking about setting up a eve Kansas city meetup if people are interested.

I seriously support this great idea for a event outside the normal schedule of FanFest, Props to @CCP_Falcon for setting this up. Creating an all inclusive and positive community is a challenge, CCP and the Eve community as a whole are great examples to the rest of the greater gaming community lets continue to set the bar high. #ally


I vote for the first time this year. You have my vote @commander_aze

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Happy to hear :slight_smile:

what are your thoughts on CSM transparency

I believe that the CSM can be more open about the discussions on certain topics, leaving some to the grand reveal but things like balance changes and such it should be widely known what each CSM thinks on each matter and thus widely know what they are bringing to CCP. There is always an opportunity to increase the visibility and transparency of the CSM.