[Complete] Extended Downtime Notification - 30 October 2023

Hello everyone,

There is a small chance of extended downtime on Monday, 30 October while we conduct network upgrades at downtime.

We expect to be able to complete this within the regular downtime window, but this process may take additional time.

PLEASE NOTE that TQ will be brought back online as soon as the work is completed which can be ahead of schedule of the previously mentioned downtime.

Any updates will be posted here and on the EVE Status Twitter and Status page.

Edit : 11:01 UTC- Update is in progress, estimated time of completion is 11:20
Edit: 11:13 UTC - Update complete. TQ is booting.
Edit: 11:14 UTC - Tranquility is online and accepting connections


Don’t you mean EvE status X (formally known as Twitter) :wink:


nope … noone will ever call it X … it will be twitter forever …


Just call it “TwiX”


I get disconnects since morning, is there an issue with TQ?

…and extend that so nobody understands the ref3rence to; Mars Bar


What kind of upgrades :eyes:

So is it delayed or is it down ?

“Pick a side…” :laughing:

Have you cleared your cache and your internet junk first?

On the day my account unplexes. RIP

Tranquility online as of 11:14:01 UTC!

Marking as complete - thank you for your patience.


giga lag post update.
1 Gbps international upload and download.

yeah chat still not visible, tried to restart launcher, multiple times :slight_smile:

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