Game crashed
If you are having trouble loggin in you may have to remove your account and add it again to the launcher. Maybe someone can confirm.
But the problem, of course, is in Windows-7, and not what you might think
Now the game kicked me out of channels…
No need to be hostile towards CCP. You guys try and maintain a 20 year old game
Old good days - that every single fuckin’ downtime bring you the bugs, chat blackouts, account connectivity issues and other shits - have come back.
What a nostalgic and classic CCP. I believe this game has revived.
Repeating the same mistakes for 20 years warrants a certain level of grief towards learning resistant individuals.
Chat is back
Would you all please stop complaining?
It was SAID that it could take longer…
Calm down miners…
Made it in. Awesome job, CCP. Thank you!
be carefull if you change system local still the same as the first you entered
I just want to chain lightning pve but no chat be too spooky, CCP help! ermagherd!
Only if you win the lottery. Some of my chars have chat, others have no chats. And on those chars, the chat list is also empty.
Just now, the game tried to load chats, but could only load playerchannel_somerandomid, then it closed all chats on its own.
And chars in the same system don’t show up in local on other characters, despite sitting right next to each other.
chatchannels are slowly coming back. still behaving oddly, but theres progress to be seen
Well I wanted to play some Rimworld today anyway. Good timing I guess.
Chats are dead. Learning Telepathy level 1 of 5.
silence is violence, and so is no local chat.
kill local chat, kill the bots, save the cheerleader, and the universe.