Make a VIP please so i can log in
We want all to be VIP
how to be vip?
Congratulations all on getting updated backend services. We assume your satisfaction is assured.
The server will be back online next week.
Oh while a DEVS here… Any info on EVE joining Twitch Prime maybe?
There’s no glare - I have a lo-tech solution for that - Curtains!
Да прибудет свами сила!!!
Start working for CCP!
brown noser
a person who tries to please one’s boss so much that their nose turns brown from kissing their ass.
Just Gives me more time to Pretend there are a Many new , different designed, coloured ship skins that are useable on all same-designed ship models… It will never happen ofc… that would mean putting effort into pleasing Paying customers, lol. well It was a nice fantasy.
Getting our 150.000 SP finaly?
Woah, you can watch responses come in live. Great forum
backend service update makes me think of… brb
It´s my second day on EvE… i´ve got so much to learn so hurry up please
the hypernet dosn’t work not because is bad but because it’s basicaly scam offer evrywhere
Very IdioticPerson is turned on! m8
i lost 200mil yesterday, back to mining
DALE go watch some Youtube lol