[COMPLETED] Extended Downtime Notification - 2020/05/28

Its okay Broo

So I take it that’s a no then?

Hypernet servers are run out of Jita.

Smoke testing and validations are a good thing. Way better than taking impact. We appreciate the diligence!

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и за это штуку в месяц??!!

CCP, see? This is the playerbase who likes the game so much they can’t wait 20 minutes for server updates.

one What makes him so special


1 player on VIP lol

10 mins is about to be over

Uh… Maybe check your earphones.


1 VIP))) ahahah)))

welcoem to eve man always good to see new pilots :slight_smile:

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Server status VIP (1 player)
Someone pay extra for a solo server session?

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hope imma get free SP

This is happening a lot lately, and it is messing with my ability to get on before work to manage my PI, orders etc.

Our testing is taking longer than anticipated. We are working on bringing Tranquility back as soon as possible. Please bear with us!


one thing is the normal dt
one thing is get unexpected prolong dt for two days straight because they prefer test new event in tranquillity server instead the test server


150000 моих очков превратили в пук Феди…и не хотят вернуть…

I shmell SP!