[COMPLETED] Extended Downtime Notification - 2020/07/07

And now there’s an issue of getting random disconnects, I’ve already had 3 disconnects happen within a half hour.

In all the years that I’ve played this game I rarely ever got disconnected, my internet service is very stable. Don’t know why CCP continues to release sub-par quality work without actually testing it first. Gawd I miss the old Dev’s who actually had pride in their work.

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Just make a story behind it, like: “Triglavian hackers are disturbing a communication system” and than everything will be ok :slight_smile:

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I have access to the corp and alliance but all the public channels I was in are closed. Is there an ETA for a fix?

Once World War Chat 2 is over, will we still get the RED DOTS ? Seriously, though, shouldn’t there be like an option on some UI preference menu enabling us to set the whole red dot thing on or off depending on if we feel like it ? I’m not necessarily interested in having a nag telling me I’ve just put what I’ve just put in my hold, or just bought and obviously would land in that hangar as it should, thank you very much. I can understand though that a hauler would like to know, so it definitely, in my humble opinion, should be an option. But indeed, an option.

Can’t imagine why that would be so complicated, to be perfectly honest. Because in case it wasn’t yet made clear, it’s a pain, these red dots.

Still, overall, maybe worth mentioning, this is the best game ever, no wonder I’ve been on it since 2013. No other game even comes close. Thanks for doing your best to keep it alive.



:astonished: An extended security downtime is only 45 minutes?? :open_mouth:
I think that is damn good! I’ve played games with downtimes of two hours or more several times a week, and it sucks tbh. You guys are doing an awesome job, especially with everybody on the same server. :+1:
your username tho :grin:

@Press i
That would cool! :slight_smile:

CCP will never fix the chat permanently. It was reliable befor the change, now unreliability is an innate thing to this new architecture.

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Great job CCP. Game is still awesome. Been playing since Jan 2009 and I still love it.

This of yours is strange usage…

Did you install EVE in the last 30 days?

They are changing it? I thought this was an intentional step to reduce botting. ~ However, I agree that High Sec moon mining is challenging to validate as profitable now. Many more Ventures and Retrievers are in High Sec asteroid belts now. Watching some of them as they appear to be bots.

:red_circle: Can CCP do something about the horrendous resource hog that the trig sites are? When I go into an EC or MiC/MaC, I can’t do anything else that requires my video card. Youtube starts to freeze the videos and fps drop considerably ingame. All that for a shitty red cloud.

If they could fix the part of the planets for the alphas, you cannot get any mineral, even if it is ISK pay on the planet’s satellite, but you can’t.

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Please don’t blow up the server room. :wink:
I have plans today. :smiley:

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“just security related work”



Disconnected 4 times now from the server guess it is time to go play Eve Echoes for awhile.

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It was fine for me?

XD I hope everything goes well

That doesn’t look normal

Can we get specific times for when the server is down? Makes me damn concerned on whether it’s my internet that ate crap or if its the server :laughing: