i would understand when ure offline and servers down everything stopped like ie skill training and mission durations but it doesnt stop it keep going i dont get what is there to be entitled to
@CCP_Convict: Is the new hardware that was configured and tested over the last two days going to have any chance of offsetting, reversing, or otherwise fixing the noticeable performance degradation that’s been going on for the last 6-12 months? EVE’s been running noticeably worse during that time, with smaller numbers producing tidi (and more of it), extended gate tunnels1 for groups as small as 20 moving through lightly-populated (but not empty) constellations, and finally, the complete mess that happened last night on what was supposedly a reinforced node in 49-U6U.
And can you tell us anything about just why the servers have been shambling along like they’re a decade past their ‘sell by’ date?
1. And, increasingly, gate tunnels that simply don’t end. The ship is in space, in the new system, but the client never receives the ‘ok, stop the tunnel animation’ signal. The only way to resolve it is to initiate another session change. You have to use the right-click menu to warp to something where you can dock or jump through another stargate. And that appears to be happening more, not less, often.
Cleaned up thread due to very off-topic and inappropriate posts
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