UPDATE 12:09: Our work is complete and Tranquility is back online and accepting connections.
Thanks for bearing with us!
UPDATE 12:05: Extended downtime will continue while we iron out the last couple of issues.
UPDATE 11:37: The extended downtime will now be pushed out an additional 30 minutes from the original schedule to 12:00 UTC. Hang in there!
UPDATE 11:35: The extended downtime will last just a little bit longer. We’ll let you know as soon as TQ is back up!
Hi everyone,
There will be an extended downtime on Wednesday, 23 September while we configure and test some new hardware.
Downtime will commence at the usual time of 11:00 UTC and may last for up to 30 minutes but as always if work is completed early Tranquility will be accepting connections again just as soon as it’s ready.
The inside scoop is they are installing bigger treadmiills so they can upgrade from hamsters to Guinea Pigs. It will save them a bundle since they have 20-30,000 Guinea Pigs online at any given moment.