Contact Label Names Viewable On Hover

Would we be able to get contact labels that you create, such as “Buddy”, viewable in the same small window that opens when you hover over the standing icon next to a pilot’s name? Such as, if you mark a pilot as -5 giving them an orange color tag next to their name in chat channels and hover your cursor over it, you would also see the label that is assigned to that pilot so that you can quickly view the context for the standing.

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Interesting idea.

When I give standing, I try to include a note as to the reasoning. So maybe show the top line in the note tab?

I like to create labels for specific people so like, Cyno Pilot, or X Corp’s Alt. I figure it may be easier to include the name of a tag since it is a specific field that might have a character limit and then you don’t need to truncate notes.

The “notes” tab for characters is intended for this purpose.

I understand that is what Notes is for, I want to be able to view the Tag Name by hovering over the standing icon tho to get the info faster and eaier.

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