Containers that can "repackage" and "stack"

how would it be, if there are are Containers that can be configured to repackage and stack automatically when you put thing’s in it, at least on Station?
WIll it hurt somebody? I do not think so, as they would just do the “technical” job, that we have to do manually right now.
regards Eisbearg


I was thinking the same thing the other day… Would be a cool feature.

if it is for Traders or for Mission runners, it may increase simply the overview on your stuff and such …
I could name a lot of play styles where this will be a convenient feature to have, I cannot mind any advantege if it does not happen?

Usually I want to repackage and stack my containers when I take the items out instead of when I put items in it.

Containers that repackage and stack when you put items in it would throw the items out, defeating the purpose of those containers.

Am I misunderstanding something?

:eyes: :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Seems like what OP meant just didn’t express it properly.

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Ah, I knew I missed something.

So the OP wants the containers to stack and repackage the items that were put inside.

I usually stack and repackage my containers when I’m done transporting, but that is to take the items out.

I rarely want to stack and repackage the non-container items themselves unless I want to sell them, but then I wouldn’t put them in a container so that option didn’t cross my mind.

So the suggestion is to do an automated ‘stack and repackage’ of items when you try to put those items in a container.

I’m not in favour of combining two separate actions (repackage, put in container) into one action, it makes things less clear for players when edge cases happen:

What happens if I want to put items in the container but don’t want to stack them? For example I like to use my drones unstacked, so I can individually send them out instead of all at once.

What happens if I want to put items in the container that are damaged? Crystals or modules that have been overheated cannot be repackaged. Would placing those items in the container give an error? Would it not allow you to put damaged items in the container? Or would it just put the damaged items in the container, surprising and confusing players when they suddenly see unpackaged items in a automated-package container?

Personally I don’t see a use for this. I assume OP might be an explorer and/or salvager who just dumps all stuff in a container anyway and maybe wants to see what he got and how much each so every time he has to repackage and stack the items to better see them and with less scrolling.

(Maybe you can only repackage when the items are in your cargo bay but not when inside a container, not 100% sure.)

Either way I don’t see many people would have it in demand and it just comes off as lazy to me. Nothing personal OP but as it can be done just with a few more clicks that is how it seems to me.

What @Gerard_Amatin wrote is true it could be confusing, even if it is a differently named container and not sure if we need more types of container as people often have confusion about the different types of containers already existing and what the various types mean exactly.

Container types for reference: All Cargo Containers - EVE Online Reference

So don’t think this is needed nor would be a useful addition to the game.

i think what op wants is cans that auto repack and stack items when you place them inside and that would be fkin amazing… i haz many cans in my corp hanger for sorting out items and after a while i take allthe crap I’ve gathered and dump it into its appropriate can, but then i have many stacks of the same items in the cans which is messy and triggers my ocd so i take it out and then repack and restack it all and put it back in.

op wants cans that auto pack and stack items placed inside of them.

you can not repack items inside a can.

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Everyone else has gotten into the habit of repackaging before organizing. Why can’t you?

well, the option to repackage, repair and stack Items inside a container I would support. I have to manage several Corporation Hangars for some dozen Newbros and everytime I go over them (and the containers inside) it is a really time-consuming mess to take out everything to the main hangar, repair it, repackage it, stack it, then put it back into the containers… would be nice if it was doable right inside the container.

When it comes to auto-repackage and auto-stack, it would at least a nice feature if you could enable or disable it for each hangar or container as additional option in the sidebar of the inventory window, don’t see any drawbacks here. Has been suggested in the past already I think.


This is a great idea!!!

In the future after implementation, you wont need a fleet or hundreds or thousands of players to cause TiDi anywhere in EvE…

Just a few ppl moving stuff around in musical cans…

items and fleet fights are handled by different parts of the server, so no that wont cause tidi. but yes it is a great idea.

uhm there is a reason it is an exploit for putting out mass amounts of stuff in space for no reason other than to lag the server.

It is also really really frowned upon to on purpose reprocess a HUGE amount of stuff all at once , repeatedly, as fast as you can in a station…

And doubly so to do both…

Think you had better do some more studying, you do not know EvE.

lag due to lots of crap on grid is due to your pc not because people are moving ammo to their hold or filling up their freighter. there are plenty of devblogs taking about how server load is handled and its architecture. lag and tidi are different things and reprocessing shite certainly doesn’t cause tidi or server lag.

While this would be handy, if it’s going to lead to more in-game lag - pass.

So your argument is that in case of big space battles, one side begins to repackage/stack huge amounts of items on their station to create lag by dragging these items in-and-out of such auto-stack/auto-repackage containers? Highly doubt that this would be any issue, because if they wanted to do that in a coordinated fashion, they could do it already by doing the exact same thing with thousands of items in their main hangars.

And tbh I haven’t heard so far that this has ever been an issue before. Cluttering a grid with trash causes lag because the object information has to be synched among maybe thousands of clients that interact with this grid at the same moment. The status of an item (or thousands) in your hangar isn’t, so the chance that this causes noticable lag is minimal. As said, if it would work, people would already do it large scale. And even IF, the general feature of repackaging/stacking items can simply be disabled as soon as TiDi kicks in, as it isn’t crucial for basic gameplay.

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