Copenhagen pride

I just heard about the copenhagen pride festival, it was the biggest one yet in terms of participants. I am wondering if any of you was there and what people talked about? Is anyone going next year? Seems fairly straight forward to join no pun intended :smiley:


Moved to Out Of Pod Experience - EVE Online Forums and removed some Inappropriate Posts.

No idea

You’ll survive. Deep breaths buddy

It is always good when people come together to support such public events and street parades.

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Used to be a good thing.

now it’s commercial and political…

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Funny how this thread isn’t locked for talking politics. Mod’s need to be consistent and lock all threads that relate to politics and not just specific ones.

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I’m shocked I’m not banned for my last post in this thread ^^


This thread is social, not political.
@Rtsu We had a parade in the capital a couple of hours away from me so I didn’t need to go all the way to Copenhagen. Good chances I attend a parade in Holland next year though.

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And you’re welcome anytime!

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Pride was hijacked by Corporations and Politics…

I’m not arguing against Pride marches

Just what it has become.


What isn’t hijacked by corporations and politics?
Capitalism has a knack to reduce everything down to profits, from Healthcare to Halloween… but just because it’s hijacked by politics doesn’t mean the issues we face are political and try as it may, capitalism can’t reduce people’s lives down to profitable products.


It has become a big social fad honestly. Corporations pile onto the fad and now we have an entire month about it.

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Honestly, I don’t have an issue with the parade as long as the goal is to promote human rights and not some weird agenda. My problem is moderators picking and choosing which political threads to lock and remove when in fact they should remove all political threads.

Promoting human rights is political my friend.

Nope, Pride itself is actually political.


Friend, Human Rights is a social issue. They may be enforced by governments but stay social issues.
And the parades do not promote “human rights” but LGBTQIA+ rights.

What rights? this is not the 80s


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Anyone promoting rights on any issue is political my friend. political discussion is banned here according to the mods who follow CCP’s terms and conditions which are clearly stated in one of my previous posts.


I beg to differ, my friend.
The promotion of rights fall in the Social category. Politics may be used to advance those rights but the promotion of them is social.


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