Our corporation has multiple Upwell Structures of the same type in differing locations. However, the Master Wallet division only shows a generic line item and there is no way, to my knowledge, to determine which structures are worthwhile to keep online. In as much as there is no way to determine which reprocessing or which industrial facility tax/fee (or office rental fee, etc) for corporation Upwell Structures a particular transaction is coming from. Does anyone else know of a way to determine the profitability of each structure?
Is this in the development pipeline? How is a corporation supposed to determine if it is worth keeping online when you have multiple?
Thank you, but it isn’t the mining ledger that is the issue, it is the reprocessing fees or industry facility taxes that show up in the corp master wallet division.
This doesn’t work for me - there is no % difference that shows on the corp wallet line that would enable me to know from where the service took place.