The corporation emblem i purchased from Paragon doesn’t show on the ship. It shows a star instead
I cleared the chace and verified files already
I see you recently created your corp. There was a problem with inter-server communication not long ago, and I saw a similar issue with emblems for about a week. It seems to be resolved now, but you need to re-queue your logo for processing. Make a small change to your corp logo (e.g., color), submit it, then change it back, and submit it again. After a short time, your ship emblems should refresh.
Or, if you don’t want to spend 200 ISK, submit a helpdesk ticket and CCP can re-queue your corp logo.
Allright, i’ll try the change logo trick
Update, the game doesn’t let me change logo color or anything else.
starting to seem like a support ticket.
I just tried manipulating my logo, it worked.
it shows the changes, but it than resets and doesn’t make me pay the 100 isk
To confirm, you’re going to Corporation, clicking Edit Details, changing a color, and then clicking Submit at the bottom of the window? What happens when you click Submit?
If you haven’t made changes, clicking Submit will simply close the window. But if changes are made, it should prompt you for the 100 ISK fee.