We currently live in Null Sec with a closed off pocket close to a variety of regions good for PVP. We aim to build a PVP community, but understand that all walks of life are required for a healthy functioning Alliance. As such miners/ratters/explorers and all others are welcome, as long as you are an active member of the community.
What we offer:
- Sov in a dead end pocket
- Moon mining (refineries owned by the alliance)
- Ice belts (4 of) and a mix of planets for production of PI/fuel
- JF service run by alliance
- Alliance buyback program
- Access to PvP (Fraternity is 2 jumps from our pocket)
- Great Wildlands space right next door
- pilots active over EU/US tz and even some lonely pilots living in the AU tz
- Alliance owned EC’s for the manufacturing of everything up to and including capitals
- Freedom to conduct ratting and mining operations througout the entire pocket
Discord: https://discord.gg/xZnTQpX
In game: Straight Jacket Bears
If you are interested reach out to me in game or on Discord in our public chat.