Crypto Token for EVE online


I have an idea: why not create a cryptocurrency token for EVE Online? It could be exchanged for ISK, game time (to pay for subscriptions), in-game items, skins, etc. Players could deposit and withdraw it from the game, trade it on cryptocurrency exchanges for real money, and store it in crypto wallets. I’m sure the marketing department at CCP Games will find a way to extract additional profit from this idea for their EVE Online project. Meanwhile, players would have the opportunity not only to use an additional method to pay for game time and items but also to legally earn some money while playing.

Crypto is dead. Only people like Hilmar still believe in this toxic mess.


Bad Dog.


No - leave this for EVE Frontiers…

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Go play EvE Frontiers, and STFU with this crap


Go away.

RIP thread

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