Most game features of the past felt interconnected, i.e. you run combat missions forLP and buy some implants which someone else will use to mine stuff. Or you mine stuff and someone else will use it to build stuff. You PI again for someone to build stuff. You live in WH and export T3C parts everyone uses. And so on and on. Everything interconnected.
But recent stuff feels isolated
Resource wars. Ore is used in the site only. Its some kind of pseudo ore which is not used anywhere else, and which magically disappears after leaving the site. If you could keep excesses and use it for something outside of RW, that alone would fix this. After all pirates come to these sites, they must use the ore for something.
Abyssal Deadspace. Triglavian ships and AD Might seem like T3C/WH, but with current drop rates the stuff is so expensive its never really used. Combat sites only is boring, procedural generation adds variety but its still just killing rats. Drop from AD feels isolated. There are mutaplasmids, yes, but decayed are ■■■■ and others are so rare, you best option is to sell them. And if only 1% of a 1% ever uses them, thats some design.
I posted topic on my view on fixin FOBs and RW.
They should really stop adding new features and fix that is already there and never used.