CSM 14 has been elected!

New CSM coordinator … new file format :wink:

The picture is nice, but I would like to see a simple text list of names with their group memberships for copypaste - @CCP_Dopamine when you get a chance, pls update the CSM site.


Winzip, winrar, … so many flavours support .7z compression and you chose salty… Uninstall Salty 1.0, you have Eve Online. :wink:

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Time to make sure space gets dangerous again :smiley:

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At least it ain’t txz :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t let anyone tame you there.

Last time I voted, the candidate list was like “who are these people?”

Now it’s the elected list what looks like “who are these people?” (except Steve ‘Goes On And On’ Ronuken). :sweat_smile:


Congrats to all elected!

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Congrats to all those elected who will reep all the benefits of the CSM in real life dollars.


Congrats @Olmeca_Gold

Edit- and happy cake day


Congrats to all who won. Good luck in the coming year.



Congrats! Now fix Eve!


GL and you’ll do great!


Last year we had communication through these forums (in frequent and meaningful occurrences) with just 3 out of the 10 CSM members with Brisc doing about 95% of that work. The rest just communicated with their blocs and cliques. Looking at this years CSM, I can only wonder if anyone of them will step up and become more of an advocate and active sounding board for those of us who fail to see a truly “representative” member of the CSM.
A couple have shown indications that they can rise to the challenge; the rest seem to indicate the same ol’,same ol’. Ah well, as a veteran, I should have known better. I do wish them lots of luck.


CCP, I’ve been playing eve for roughly 8 years now and here lately I find myself playing less and less each passing day! I haven’t seen how the past CSM has benefited the game. Maybe you can enlighten me on how! However it does seem to benefit those Alliances with the most CSM’s in it as the more powerful by the end of the CSM term! So the CSM is pointless for which it was created. One thing is true when it comes to EvE, if there’s a way to exploit it, the players of EvE will find and use it… This is the CSM!

To maybe save old players, CCP can you share how past CSM’s have benefited the game. ( plz if u choose to answer, don’t try to BS a BSer)


He has a lot of work ahead:

CCP on dev stream “We are thinking of a new tether mechanic that stops bumping out of tether range”
Was an idea and not confirmed but I’m starting to worry :/.

That little bump out of tether range could leave that ship vulnerable to attack, once that ship is being attacked a response fleet is formed and that leads to conflict, we need to preserve every little bit of conflict initiators we have left not remove them :/.


Wow it’s a Blue Donut of winner minus Steve…

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olmecca is not from donut camp :stuck_out_tongue:


The goldfish minds of people who forgot the role he played spreading knowledge of the ghost training bug while abusing it heavily himself. How he wasn’t actually banned for his role in that is beyond me let alone be permitted to serve on the CSM.

Sadly I’m not shocked by any this. Just like in rl, people vote for who they’re told or who they always have in the past no matter what their candidate may be guilty of past or present.


CONGRATS to all winners! But especially congrats to Olmeca Gold, ExookiZ and Steve Ronuken, who all managed to get elected without needing to pander to the Null sec voting blocs.

Lets hope they can foster a little more communication and development between the community and CCP!

(As opposed to just toeing the ‘Null sec needs to be safer and richer and more bottable, thx!’ line.)


NDA breach in 8 months. Remind me.

considering 3 are with goons, i doubt you’ll see any representation on here… steve was just slighly active. brisc on the other hand, really set the bar imo for customer representation.