[CSM 15] The OZ

Hi Synil, I am not ignoring your question, just need some time to formulate the answer. Thanks for asking it and for your understanding.

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Oz, you snagged #4 on my ballot.

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+1 for Oz! He brought our alliance spreadsheet back to life, and is generous with his expertise!

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Here’s a link to my interview on Talking in Stations today.

There is a bit of clipped audio here and there. Not sure where the issue was because I was using my usual streaming set up. But the message came across I think.


You will be on my ballot for sure.

How do you feel about the current state of eve, like do you think the game is heading in a positive direction?

How do you feel about the current alliance / corporation and play style diversity ?

I think the game is heading in a positive direction in general. Player numbers are up and the overall mood is much better than a few years ago.

The ongoing ecosystem rebalancing changes are good in theory, now they just need to be implemented well. I like the more iterative direction CCP in general as well. Although some of the smaller features did not add a lot of value in my eyes.

To illustrate, here is my personal opinion on a small selection of recent changes (keeping it very broad on purpose to keep it concise):


  • Broker relations patch (rewards brains over bots)
  • Resource scarcity phase and redistribution plan (see my post above)
  • Triglavian content (active, intelligent PVE gameplay as opposed to near passive ratting or mission running)
  • Resistance changes (yeah they were a broad sweep, but we could all use a few more ships blowing up - it’s generally healthy for various playstyles)


  • Hypernet (state-run lottery scam money grab fest with a great UI - this effort should have gone into content that would have actually made the game better!)
  • Frigate bays (I mean , they are OK, but nobody asked for this and they could have focused on 1.000 better things)

Regarding corp and playstyle diversity: Eve is full of different corps and playstyles if you take the time to look around. It’s one of the best qualities of the community in my eyes. The only issue is that the CSM itself is not very diverse for all the reasons I have stated above. I’m hoping to change that.

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When did you start playing eve ? i asked this because the diversity in terms of coalitions and corps really has never been worse.

Sov null all corps follow the exact same play style it’s print isks as quickly as possible push everyone into the titans and recruit as many warm bodies as you can get.

Wormhole space, really the most conflict of any but the space is basically split into 2 coalitions with 1 dying and the other well now dominating the space. ( spoiler the winning group isn’t the wormhole corp that joined init ).

Lowsec is just dead no literally half the corps that own citadels are afk until you shoot there stuff then they ping and people that have not played the game in 3 years login to kill you and go back to being afk.

Highsec, there are like 4 archetypes of corps that basically everyone follows.

NPC null is literally dead like nobody lives there anymore.

The numbers to do anything of note in the game have been creeping up while the amount of people that can get those numbers has been going down, sure there are still some small fights going on but really there become more and more rare, in part because any time a conflict happens it’s such a rarity that everyone in eve shows up and it becomes a tidi lag fest.

So you did not read my initial post up there? If you expect me to carefully read your arguments, don’t you think I can expect you to read what I posted?

I respectfully disagree with the grim picture you painted. In my view you are grossly over simplifying what the Eve landscape looks like. There is diversity out there. Sure, there will always be oppressive big guys and certain playstyles that dominate, every sandbox is like that. It’s cyclical in nature. It will change again. What CCP can do is to adapt the rules when necessary to help this change along. And I am a big believer in continuous change as you can see from my campaign materials.


I missed the 2004 in your post fair enough.

I’m absolutely simplifying to some degree and filtering groups based on having some presence in the eve landscape now sov is the easiest place to do i’m trying not to because Sov is also the area of space that is in the worse condition of them all.

I have yet to find it, all corps i have seen recruiting can be clearly dumped into there archetype based on the space there in and really are not all that different from 1 and other generally outside of the smaller corps being generally worse to be in as the odds of survival go down as the numbers do.

CCP so far has changed the rules on wormhole rolling making it easier for people to project power from k-space into wormhole that are being hole controlled encouraging blobbing.

Added fatigue less mobility back into the game making it easier for large coalitions to move there member base truth null

Change the wardec mechanics to force every group to merge into 1 big alliance.

Removed any reason to live in Lowsec turning it into vets outside income sources and titans paradise but killing off the hopes of any group from coming into existance there.

Changed moon mining to make npc null absolutely completely and total worthless to the point where the only use for it is as invasion staging. ( like remember the day’s when groups used to like live there syndicate used to well not a ghost curse used to have people in it ).

Changed resistance’s on ships so that subcap faxes basically no longer a thing and that bling setups are unlikely to hold, leading fights being more of a DPS race that tends to favor the bigger fleet over the smaller one.

Now as a bonus they gave everyone outposts in the form of citadels to turn the shape of landscape completely flat as now every system is perfect as a super cap staging system.

Here’s a link to my CCP interview from yesterday:

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I do hope you choose to run again, though.

Thank you all who voted for me! Round 19 is not bad for my first run. I have learned a lot throughout this campaign and will be back stronger next year. Congrats to those who won.

Side note: I am glad Mike and Torvald made it, although I am disappointed in the lack of a wormhole candidate as well as clear market expert on this year’s CSM. I will work hard to change this in the upcoming 12 months.

o7 - OZ


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