Dacian Armada Seeking Corporations

daily bump looking for good corps and good peeps to join exsisting corps


Still seeking corps & pilots peeps hit us up in game :smiley:

Holy bump time !

buummmppppppppppp bump bump

Come join us make ISK, enjoy pew, without the drama and without the demands.

Bumpio Bump Bump

Shhhhhhh its that time bumpy bumpy bump


Great space to live in, Brilliant players to enjoy the game with

Still looking for corporations to join us as well as existing corps looking for pilots come check us out in game

Still on the recruitment drive hit us up.

Recruitment is still open


yo definitely will make a visit there! maybe not this char, but will be there

Giving daily bump for a great Alliance, Saf good to see you buddy.


Wow i step away for 2 secs and no one bumps, well heres a big heart Bump.

Yo maddeb! I remember you guys!!

Life is good out here, with members of my corp getting free game time just doing what they love.
