Deathless ships

Will there be any PVE viability to these ships?

I would say that it’s limited. Not much PVE happens at 6km or less.

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And even if, the ammo will be prohibitively expensive for PVE.

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With a ‘superpowerful’ weapon that:

  • can fire once every 10 seconds
  • takes well over a minute to take out max 75% of the HP of enemy ship
  • has a range of 12km (for the BC version)
  • cannot be stacked (like a fleet of Thunderchilds blitzing PvE)

… I don’t think this ship will be very competitive for PvE. Maybe the unbonused rockets and autocannons can deal with the small ships while the new gun partially deals with the bigger stuff, who knows.

I don’t think it will be viable for PvE.

Perhaps NPCs have dread, officers

Maybe against those it can help, but I doubt the ship itself can stand it’s ground against such ships, so it would be a multi-character setup.

And such big NPC ships have significantly more than 100k hitpoints and not very high resistances, which means you hit the 1k dps cap with this gun or the equivalent of up to 2k against resistances. A Marauder would probably do better with I expect much better defences against such a target.

It might be used in HighTier WH space where some of the Advanced Sleeper BS and the Drifter / Avengers have very high HP. But just as addon to an already existing fleet to make all of them bleed HP while the fleets munch down the primary, to maximize the runspeed. People will proably test out if it is worth it to replace one standard damage dealer for such a BreacherPod Spammer. If it’s a financial profit, they will use it. If not, then they won’t.

a Corpus Apostle | EVE Ref has 17k HP while an Apocalypse | EVE Ref has 22 before skills and I have 27.9k with skills

Need to check on other rats/ships but that far the pod would be only 61% as effective against NPC as against players ^^

Yes, of course there are. The Cruiser can be used in the new sites you can run from the Merc Dens. Everything is tailored for PVP but that does not mean you cannot knock out some PVE along the way. Just make sure you have the tank to be that close to enemies, but from what I saw in the simulated fittings, these ships are going to be BEASTS. GL!