Deployable Mobile Jump Bridges


With the game allowing mobile cynosural beacons now would be a good time to look at mobile jump bridges as well! The idea would be the same as other deployables they would be a one-time use! The user would be able to deployable them anywhere. But with limits of not being able to link low-security into high-security systems. The light years could be set based on the module’s type. These modules could be 1LY and 5LY. The modules would break down after one hour and would take 5 mins to setup.

What do you think? Is it time we add these into the game?

We already have Mobile Jump Bridges. It’s called a Black Ops… :wink:

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Of course! They are a great ship to have. But we are also going to be looking at the option of mobile jump bridges with no limits on what ships can use it! :slight_smile:

We also could look at type of ships which could be used on these jump bridges a small for frigs and large for everything!

Interesting idea.

I don’t think it is a good addition to the game.

What you are suggesting is to allow players to place two deployables (one mobile jump bridge in origin system, one mobile cyno in target system) to let ships jump from one system to another for an hour.

It’s similar to how Ansiblex Jump gates allow ships to jump between systems even if the ships themselves don’t have a jump drive.

Some differences:

  • Ansiblex Jump gates are strategic targets in a war that can be taken down to severely hinder the ability of the enemy group to respond to other fights
  • Ansiblex Jump gates require heavy investments into the system infrastructure as result of Equinox
  • Ansiblex Jump gates require fuel in the form of Liquid Ozone (corresponding to the mass and distance of the jumping ships), fuel blocks (30 blocks an hour) and soon Superionic Ice to support the ability to have an Ansiblex online

It’s a big investment for alliances to be able to transport ships between systems, and is a strategic objective for others to hit.

And you want to add a simple deployable that does the same thing, which pretty much removes the strategic value of Ansiblex jump gates.

No, I do not think that’s a good or balanced idea.

I agree that it’s an interesting idea. The one-time use with 60-min duration would at least minimize abuse. I assume something like no more than 1 within 100km or something would be a prerequisite.

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The other idea was removing off the need for sov upgrade on starbases. What this would mean you would need a tower & fuel to power the jump bridge. You must limit it to nearby solar systems and not 5 light years. This could limit its use with some investment of starbase and limit it to only the next solar system over, also increase the current gate light years to 10 instead. If you want to jump longer then have to use a gate but a limited system without sov upgrades, like Low security or high security would be a nice touch. Also again you can NOT LINK low to high or high to low.

That seems like the opposite of Equinox.

If you want player-made jump bridges, you have to fight and claim your part of null sec space and invest in that part of space with time and ISK.

Not drop a throwaway mobile structure.

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