Destroyed 67 Installed Pocos in Fountain

Selling 67 Installed POCOS

Are in unicorn and chimera, maybe two in IGE-Ri

Aprox are

2 Plasma (onnlys in the pocket)
8 Lava , all good, one of them very good for Silicon

The majority are Barren, Gas, temperate and some ICE, oceanic and storm

I accept around 5b in naything useful you have outside of fountain, i prefer ISK anyway but can make a deal.

Two of the systems have many barren / temperate, ideal for use in factories. The barren one have many noble metals in the planets. Good for chain producing robotics.

Disclaimer : 5b is not much, if u want a atrde for something you give me first the items or to a third part, you pay comission.

These POCO’s will be being turned over to The Initiative. We will be discussing the turnover of these POCO’s with the owner in the coming days.

Ok, i receive a eve mail of my contact. I made an offer for give the POCOS and i think is reasonable. I made before some questions and not answer yet.

Anyway, mostly of my Corp is disbanded for the eviction of dot dot dot.

I received your in game mail for this as well, and Wild.Hunt is not going to be buying POCOs that belong to the Initiative.

Did somebody get ■■■■■ slapped back into their cupboard?

They dont belong to the initiative. They can say are of they initiative, but i pay them. I can handle freely… i know anyone can kill 67 Pocos One by one, if want.

As diplomats the initiative and Boxcarr have no idea. I have closed the corporation, then Interbus is the new owner of the POCOs, they must now burn the POCOS of Concord and pay them anyway, later bringing the material from High SEC. Have fun.

This pilot is being sold.

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You sir, have class.


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