Destroyer size industrial command ship

This level of ignorance is rather telling.

Command destroyers (outside of their mjd use) are for keeping up with fast gangs.

Do you mine whilst displacing 100km in a minute?

And that is the best thing of all, one little tweek from CCP to allow an Masimos inside and that’s all she rode, no new ship needed.

Some people’s answer to everything is no, no, no, at that point they never ask themselves why can’t they see a problem from another’s point of view, when I see a problem of sorts I look for solutions, conventional and unconventional, both are in this post, yet the yappers are still at it, instead of fighting lets petition CCP as a group, why does that mechanism exist, it may have had a reason many eons ago but now does it even make sense?

Mechanics come and go, they change with the needs of the community, when this restriction was implemented the devs never even thought of a concept of the Masimos, it now exists, I believe a change is needed to meet the needs of the players, sadly people just don’t see the need, and they never approach problems from a problem solving point of view, it’s what holds the human race back so much.

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You made a bad request, you got disagreed with. You got told why. Yet you try and say “well look at it from my perspective”, not realizing that your perspective is moot. Utterly irrelevant. The idea to add a new ship was fundamentally flawed. That is why the “yappers” say no no no.

The problem here is that you’re trying to do something stupid (mining in lower level missions… I mean, come on…) and then complaining that the acceleration gates don’t allow you to bring your hauler in to do what was never really intended.

I’m all for sandbox, but honestly, this feels like you want to do something dumb, CCP won’t let you, so you want to compound a stupid problem with a stupid solution. And then when people say you’re doing something stupid, you tell them “well just look at it from my perspective” as though that excuses the inherent stupidity of the problem you are having.

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Sebat Hadah supports this idea. could be good for wormholers…why not have it be cov ops like expedition frigates. WH industrialists would go nuts.

Awe man this is gold, bad request, so assuming you are really old you should have heard the term the squeaky wheel gets the grease, meaning, if you don’t ask you’ll never know if you get a yes, how many people have lost opportunity to get something because they lacked the courage to ask especially in a community of dogma doctrine puritans who will attack anything even when there is no threat to their playstyle.

Disagree, yes, debate, yes, at some point in our history as humans someone purposed the wheel, people probably laughed and called it stupid because hey if you hit a downgrade how will you stop it, then someone thought up brakes, progress is made.
I will put ideals out there, I will debate the merits, but you flat out say that mining in lower missions is stupid, how so, you’ve just made your stance a personal attack on another because fundamentally you know there is nothing wrong to mine anywhere there are opportunities, the gate restrictions has been in place long before the inclusion of the newer version of ships we now have, so CCP should look at the mechanics again and ask, does it still make sense to restrict a hauler into the dead space of the missions, that is the question.

You call it a sandbox, how do you define this sandbox, I believe you have a narrow definition of sandbox, that which fits into your playstyle, your whole post was filled with attacks but very little substance, I will make it easy;

  1. If not a new support ship (which I’m fine with), why not allow a Masimos in?

  2. How does mining in a mission seem stupid when belts get wiped out by NPC mining fleets, I’ve adapted to the new mechanics like so many preachy folks are so found of pounding in our faces.

  3. How does it hurt you?

I have absolutely no problem with allowing haulers in. That absolutely has my support.

Mining in missions makes no sense because the yield is terrible. I’ll say here that I’ve never tried it (for that matter, I don’t fly any miners) but I do recall from way-back-when seeing said ore and it was lackluster at best. Even with NPCs clearing belts, you’ll probably see a far greater return going to a different belt. If there’s still too much contention, go mine in nullsov; it’s safer, easier, and you can sit yourself in a rorq for the best income.

By wasting CCP’s resources on something that isn’t needed, they are now not investing their resources on something that is. That hurts not just me but the entire game.

  1. Then on the point of hauler there is no contention, I’d be extremely pleased with that alone.

  2. Mining in missions may seem terrible, in some ways it is, but, it is what it is, see I’m not trying to impose ‘give me better roids’ or some other crazy advantage, I am working with the roids I got, almost entirely Veldspar, which I either use or sell and then purchase the things I need (mostly other minerals), which helps the economy and community members, if yield is terrible that is my choice, I find it acceptable, sure I can go to dull and become wealthy beyond what I need but I have no desire to go to dull.

  3. I hate to even mention this but are ship skins a priority, see someone somewhere is doing this, yet it happens, it is a source of income for CCP and it makes some players happy, one little tweek to the code to allow an industrial ship into that deadspace I’m sure won’t hurt the resources that is CCP, if it does that is an internal issue and CCP must look at why they cannot meet the simple needs of it’s customer base, like all you can eat pancakes yet they run out of syrup.

Mining missions is a fine and complete content. And actually this is what effective to put resources of developers into. It will give more outcome overall than some other content.

P.S.: Your post is very poor with actual information and thesises are not hardened by arguments.

Check the mass of the porpoise

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Right, you were working with the rocks you’ve got… and wanting a whole new class of ship for it. Going to the alternative idea of allowing haulers in, I’m totally on board with that. And that’s where this thread stops being unreasonable and starts being a perfectly good thread. But the naysayers were knocking the new ship, not making a change to the ACLs allowing haulers to jump into deadspace pockets where your missions are.

Very true. I am not a parrot repeating things, counter-arguments were already given and were not refuted (thus still stand). You’ll note that my initial post in this thread was calling the OP on his point of view, in how the OP was responding to the people who made very valid arguments against his original idea.

Regarding the lack of factual data, I’ll be honest here - I don’t care enough to gather it. Drop-in-the-bucket mining like this, however, does not warrant the creation of an entirely new class of ship. The much more reasonable (and perfectly feasible) ask of allowing haulers into missions is absolutely worth the amount of dev time it would take (a few minutes most likely).

Assuming you’ll not get either your ship or a warp gate tweak, what about a mobile tractor unit, or two, and jetcan mining? Go back after you close the mission and it’s not dead space anymore.

You absolutely can, but every time without fail the moment you drop an MTU here come the trolls, they seek to get you to shoot them by shooting your MTU, now to counter this I use shield rep to keep the shields up, sometimes it’s enough other times it’s not, especially when they warp their friends in and all start shooting it, ok, I get it they are looking to fight, obviously I’m not.

So what to do, scoop to cargo, immediately after they flip your cargo can, no they don’t want ore they are trying in desperation to fight, pest, pest, pest, now, if you obliged them they are your new friend, they will seek you out because they know where to get some feedback, I even had eve uni pilots come in and try, eve uni, if eve uni can’t find proper fights what does that say about the state of finding fights when eve uni pilots can’t find them.

Even in missions everything is pretty worthless, I get the visitors that pop in, I immediately blue wrecks, most every time they just fly away, again, looking for fights, what I do understand is that it is a waste of my time to interact with these pilots, any pilot worth fighting will be in low sec, low sec is where PVP is at, but that isn’t what they are after, they are after trolling, so, as always I use strategies to minimize interaction with these pilots, they rarely chat, it’s a one way interaction, again a waste of time, mostly I just want to ask what, why, and are they bored, they never answer because my questions are a waste for them, so that is basically why I avoid dropping an MTU or a cargo container, it attracts trolls, not PVP pilots.

Subscribe a second account and have it fly a miasmos to pick up ore for you…

I do this, but you know that the Miasmos is not allowed in the gate, so that’s a no, no, see people are worried about someone mining Veldspar and having the tools to do it, what can you do, it is as it is.

if you’re mining veldspar in a mission you’re doing it wrong. There are places that spawn jaspet and hemo.

I know, mining is wrong, as someone who does it the activity is definitely a chore, and that is my problem, if I feel it is a chore (grind), then all I asked if it can be done in a more efficient way.

And you see the responses above, see its not a matter of seeing a problem and making it better, it’s exactly like this guy said, why don’t you see fights breaking out all the time with scientists, or engineers, because they have a common language and frame they work in while the rest of the world speaks from a language of their culture, the language of contention, “no I’m right, no I am” etc, etc, and that man said its utter nonsense, and he is right, I purposed changes for mining, for acquiring the materials we need so it doesn’t have to be such a chore, no debating the merits, or hammering ideals to present to CCP only fighting, we could make the game better experience for all but just like in real life, it can’t be done, people are too entrenched in the way they are.

Mine with 2 prospects and solved no?or 2 endurance but endurance has less yield

Doesn’t matter, I actually am unsubbing today, I may do some activities from time to time as an alpha but mostly the whole thing has pretty much lost its appeal, mostly because when you realize how grindy and pointless it all is, there’s a point you reach when the interest in the whole thing becomes unappealing, especially when I started with looking around with that frame of mind, code still does the same cookie cutter activity, goons still do the same ‘burn jita’ you start to understand, this game is extremely limiting in its scope, not much dynamic range especially when you consider that these folks haven’t really done anything different after all these years, kinda crazy if you realize that and see it in yourself.

Your question was already answered! You shouldn’t mine in mission pockets! Those rocks are just decoration!
If you want to mine more efficiently, get a mining barge and go to a belt! There are even public mining fleets, providing boosts for free.

This is you tricking yourself into limits that really don’t exist. For example:

For starters you need to learn commas are not periods and question marks. This is a curious thing. Primarily because mining missions of lower status are not gated. Discarding that and considering that you’re in missions which spawn ore you go into the least effective method of mining there is.

Not a single scrap of Veldspar is a target for mining in missions. When offered that there are missions which spawn Jaspet and Hemo you turned to this.

At someone with the word Miner in their name…

Learn a few tricks… like a prospect or endurance, or missions that produce better income for you that can fit a miasmos, procurer, and orca.