Dev blog: Black Desert Online makers Pearl Abyss to acquire CCP!

Yes !

No mate, eve environment is alive,

just exaggerating your analogy on selling it towards a different orientated game mechanics environment and such,

Ask the person that asked me.
See the post I was responding to.

all sense left when she left… she was our last hope…

I don’t care if they get mad… but its the truth

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I’ll wait that time till PA take over and then I’ll resub Eve. For now I’ll only enjoy in “I told you it will be like this…”

Right mate as payment method

It’s the funniest moment. Isn’t it?

I played BDO 3000hours+ since day 1 of its release till like 1-2 months when i started EVE.
BDO is a great game no doubt but it is the worst pay2win mechanics u can imagine and it only goes deeper down the road of bringing in more pay2win stuff every month.

This is NOT good for EVE.
PearlAbyss got an awfull shtty reputation amongst us gamers for good reason.

Time will show. But time will definetly will not show anything positive about this.

The question literally just is: how bad is it going to be?


It was good for black market and scams, now it will be modified to be good for PA only!
If you do not understand go to BDO market and you will see Eve market future :blush:


i have no clue what you are on about now

I watched that whole video. As a player who enjoys PVE in EVE, that guy’s complaining just prodded me to start the 7 day trial of BDO. His complaints about PVE sealed it, he sounds like an EVE player decrying the lack of “fun pve” in EVE (when EVE’s PVE IS fun, but only if you are the type that likes sandbox style pve).

I imagine that game is filled with the same kind of players EVE has, folks who love it for its challenges and lack of hand holding and…the rest who don’t. If they have forums, I bet they are as bad as our own for complaining.

I wonder what “forever topics” they have, like out ganking, bumping and cloaky camping…

Edit: This part made me laugh hard. He’s complaining that the BDO devs add “content no one really asked for” instead of “fixing what is broken”

OMG, these Pearl Abyss Guys and CCP are already soul mates :slight_smile:

Sounds that bad, mate,Mate would you like share what reputation is that

I would rather make them out of fernite carbide.

he was adressing your idea that by selling 100% of a company to another company then somehow you would end up with shares in their company
which in hilmar case maybe he would have to trade his 7% ccp shares to pa
and pa would give him equal share value in return
which i dont know why they would when they can just give him cash
and im not sure how you can give the right amount of shares when you dont even know how the acquisition of the new company is going to affect the value of shares
even on a overnight basis
but really even if they gave hilmar shares it wouldnt be 7% of their business because pa is worth more than ccp
so it might be just 1-2%
or even if it is 7% it still doesnt give him a say in their business
because they would just tell him to like it or lump it

big boobs had driven her out, she/he could not compete it…

Ok, an updated a bit version (i hope this will be only a funny picture and will never happen):



I dont see the connection, but it seems you answered whatever he was asking on your part, so Im finished with it.

Eve can not be in a worse state than it is now …

Is it being sceptical that eve focusing on community which is maturity, but the point of gaming for traditional grinding style is to amuse youth generation community through both age ranges and time period of its coverage?

In an other word give them a good time to recall during its time period,
I meant we dun have to go down there to being accomodating youth generations but there’s better approach to accommodating both communities with better solutions, it has to be the community we serving to , that concerns me,

I understand it’s kidding mate, eve s been alright tho