See, a tantrum. Is this going to be good? I don’t know, maybe. Is it going to be bad? I don’t know maybe. Will it be some good and some bad? I don’t know maybe.
Basically CCP was owned by two other other firms, General Catalyst and NEA, both are venture capital firms. All that we know is happening right now is that those two firms are selling to another firm. Could things go bad like we have “gold ammo”? Possibly, but if I were to buy CCP Games and unless I was going to its assets in say a different game I’d probably not go that route.
But please everyone continue doing the virtual version of throwing your Mega Blocks™ around in a fit of rage.
That’s rather creative thought isn’t it? But it seems requires each one of us as 30000 participants 15000 dollars for a cut to fulfill its 450 millions expectation
But how we profiting from ourselves, that couldn’t be happening to profit tho
I bet pearl didn’t sell any thing to ten cent yet, but as Chinese developers they simply agenting the service to expand their market in China. It s quite similar to serenity server in China as full size expansion of eve universe
So you think CCP selling out to a house that’s only driving forces behind updating their product is to hammer in more RNG, cosmetics with flat stat boosts that directly affect how long you are able to stay in fights before your weapons break, and keep players rolling alts solely for the sake of paywalled inventory space and weight limits, is a good thing?
I figure we have about 6-12 months of “old eve” left while BDO gives Hilmar and the eve staff a chance to prove their profitability. While in some office at BDO they are putting together all their great new ideas, and then at that 180 to 365 day mark when Eve fails to show that promised profit…all the changes will hit us like a sledgehammer…as they are rapidly introduced…so while this saddens me (Been playing since 2005) I am going to try to enjoy this game as much as I can between now and spring 2019, when all hell will most likely be set loose upon the game that I love