Dev SUGGESTION: Public block counter

Final attempt

My block list has seen some intense use over the years, yes I know what it does at present.

Yes I did claim that, several times even. It is not acceptable that any player who has not been banned by ccp for eula/tos violations should be limited in his/her choice of game activity.

Example, although you will probably label it as fringe or extreme, while I say it’s not extraordinary:
You have a disagreement with someone. That person makes sure you get that nice label of scammer/spammer. Meanwhile you, as a legit trader, set up contracts. Potential buyers check you out via public info. They see you have been coined “untrustworthy”. You can’t get rid of the label, you will have to choose another game activity for income. You’ve been had…
Here’s a fun one.
Example, you try to join a good nullsec team, one that relies on mutual trust (quite important in some group activities). Your public info labels you as “untrustworthy” or a nuisance. You will not be accepted.
Here’s another one.
Example, you are identified as an important trader for a party involved in nullsec conflict. The opposing party brands you as “untrustworthy” via public info. Your activity is compromised.
Shall I go on ?
Example, you felt particularly mischievous one day and spammed local in jita with a few buddies, just for shits&giggles. Like throwing water balloons on a hot summer day on unsuspecting passers-by. You were rewarded by the angry crowd with the label. Next, having come to your senses, or freed from whatever intoxicating chemical, you decide it’s time to work on your income and set up a few contracts. Alas, you are labeled “untrustworthy”. Your trading days are over. Better extract what sp you can and biomass the toon and start with a clean reputation again, wondering when will be the next time someone decides that it’s time for you to get branded again.

Actually just the ability to block hypernet and contracts in local will already be a good change.


that is also a damn good idea. It could even have a feature where it only works for the system your in as well.

‘’ block all hypernet and contracts : Always / This local chat / Never "

As long as this feature of blocking public also blocks local from showing who is in local unless they say something.

the idea would be it only blocks it from your perspective.

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Yes, like give and take, the person who wants to block is only effected.

I would guess (assume) that Hypernet broadcasts out in Null would be welcomed for open trading between Small Corps.

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