Devblog: Skillpoints, Cash & New Players – An Update

They should, but they can’t. Even though Eve Uni is a pretty neutral organisation CCP can’t be seen to be favouring them over another group.

If they link to Eve Uni’s wiki or point players in their direction they have to do the same for other new player biased organisations, including the “useless tax grabs”; which incidentally have a record of retaining more new players than CCP do.

I agree, demographics have changed.

Many long term Eve players grew up on games that had no documentation, no save games and relied on experimentation, memory and knowledge to beat. Sadly those days are long gone and most games spoon feed you content with no incentive, or mechanism, to make your own.


Why bother with the allocated SP? just give new guys the skills they need. Give the brand new characters all the magic 14 skills at 4. If they choose a combat character let them use t2 scrams and webs etc. Theres still plenty of skills for them to train in the future. Just let them dive right into frigate PVP with enough skills so they can win fights the first time they undock. If you give them unallocated SP they are just going to waste it because they dont know what skills are priority skills. ■■■■ i still waste injectors on dumb skills.

Also this pack for new players should include a better default overview just sayin.


what about the guys who bought it at 250k SP? will we get the rest of it?

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CCP is blatantly supporting null sec and massive capital force build-ups for years. For once, they could do the right thing and support something that actually helps new users getting a comprehensive, engaging introduction into what EVE has to offer. And it’s not even like EUni does not suggest branching out after people got a grasp of EVE. Their wiki contains pages on many other new player friendly groups like Karma, Phorde, Dreddit, Brave and whatnot else. It would be supporting a neutral organization that tells people many informative things in a structured way and gives them the options, knowledge and decision making power to go deeper and further from there.

Null is where the press coverage comes from, many companies would sell their employee’s grannies to get the coverage Eve does because of what happens there.

Nullsec groups are basically CCP’s free publicity creators.

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Right now it is, yes.

But how difficult would it be to infiltrate, if there was a good reason to do so?

(I may be a touch cynical)


Nothing wrong buying sp its capitalist universe. And if You have the coin To buy 30mil sp, then yah! Go for it.

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Just as easy as it is to infiltrate Karma or Phorde, which are full of spies for the larger groups around them and to hurt new players in these groups.

Of course you are, not only are you playing Eve politics at the highest level but you know what a bunch of devious bastards we are ingame.


You’re understanding of what “everyone” means, would by definition include you too right? Or “everyone” is not actually everyone at all and a stupid and irrational generalisation. Actually looking at the threads here and on reddit, affecting skill farms hasn’t come up as a core issue at all.

Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.

A ‘neutral’ training organisation, with a slant towards a specific nullsec alliance. you don’t see the value of that?

Dont let a few whinge bags talk for the rest of us i am a 68m sp char and i loved it allowing me to train a long cruiser v skill and opening up more ship and giving me a bit of a new buzz again about playing it was a one off and is obviously great for new pilots too id say you could do this once per yeah thanks CCP for a great little deal!! i loved the skins too!!! :slight_smile:


Its celles Empire space))

Called that is

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Damn noobs))

If you want to avoid the P2W aspect maid it not… paid. Just give new pilots the skillpoints.


Just a thought,

Why not make it so that way if you pay about $8.00 or in your pricing theme $7.99. That existing players could get the 1,000,000.00 skill points + four battleship skins and the rest of it along with 200 plex?

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I highly encourage all newer players buy A LOT of skill injectors and really powerful ships to use! Show those stupid bittervet jerks what whinging arses they really are when you win, win, win and they lose because they faced the good gear you bought!


EVERYONE keeps saying what about the Children I mean the new players what about the players that actually support CCP by actually using real cash to sub 4 plus accounts ? 16yrs I’ve been doing that not as much as a monocle…

But sure lets think all about the new player give them SP, plex ships and pink skins…

While CCP does that I for one have let all my subs laps why should I support a business that don’t care…
