Devblog: War, War Sometimes Changes

Welcoming those changes!

After two majorly disappointing events, it is good to see something to smile about.

However, you shouldn’t stop there, involving structures is a good first step as it finally gives a material pinning to Wars when it was that intangible thing before. Before if you really want conflicts and a more lively High-Sec, Spatiality is what you need to introduce to Wars, now that they are pinned to somewhere, you must limit them in space, so that there can be a game between conquerors and defenders.

That and you need to introduce Structures that are specialized as War HQs, not just the regular ones we have, ones that can more easily be used to make Wars interactive and engaging.

Anyway, this is a good first step, but it’s only a first step.

Having recently started getting involved in the Test-related highsec shenanigans, honestly, I’m really liking the idea of the HQ.

I’m sure that nullsov powerblocs aren’t really the focus, but hot diggity damn the amount of keepstar fights we’re going to see in HS now… yummeh.

I think “most” of us just got a compliment! :wink: Thanks for all the real time feed back.

300bn ISK?

In January, 1 Day in Delve was 867bn ISK. So it’s a little more than 8h.

And Fortizars are vastly more vulnerable to subcapitals. You can kill one, even with defenders, with 60 or so battleships. Good luck doing that to a Keepstar with defenders.

Sounds like if there was a shorter period for the War HQ, that would be part of the war planning. You could start your war at a good time for you, same as you can now. Just the timetable changes.

The bottom line is that if you don’t have the shorter period, the defending corp has a near 100% chance of losing any structure targeted right away in the war. If that’s the one they would fight hardest to preserve… well… Not logging in so as not to feed more kills is a likely tactic.

If you really want to provoke a fight-back, then attacking the attacker needs to have some intrinsic value. Saving the structure reinforced initially is at least an incentive someone might undock for. But it only works if the hull timer on the War HQ comes up first.

Why waste time on war declaration mechanics…!?
Make high sec empire space, no player structures!
No need war at all in high sec!
High sec should be just the starting ground for new players and place for safe trading!




And what about using neutral alts to store ships that are under attack?

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Real life > Eve… unless you’re in some ultra-elitest group, that sentiment will always apply. Expecting people to log on for timers every day when they normally aren’t goign to be free until the weekend, imo it’s too much.

All it would do is leave the smaller groups locked in defensive wars, never being able to engage offensively and hit up against a moderately larger group.

The defensive party has the same reinforcement timer that the offensive one does. If they lose their structure, they didn’t show up to their own timers. That’s on them.

The intrinsic value in attacking the attacker is ending the war.


Wrong game, my friend. Hello Kitty is over there —>

What makes you think that’s safe?


That would absolutely be the best timeline.

I haven’t read this whole thread but are goons complaining about small groups being held under the thumb of larger groups? Sorry if I’m improperly reading the last few posts… the irony here would just be too great to pass up.

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Out here in null, we exist in a setting where people will try to kill you. If you’re us, you exist in a setting where pretty much the entire game tried to kill us not too long ago. Given that, we’re going to do absolutely everything we can to make sure we can win the next fight against All of EVE Inc.™. That includes being larger, and having more supercapitals. Because it’s self-preservation.

That doesn’t mean we think that’s the way the game should be, and it doesn’t mean that we think it should be like that in highsec. It only means that when someone tries to kill you, you do whatever you have to to make sure they don’t get another chance.

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Fair point :slight_smile: gotta do what you gotta do.

This is disappointing to hear as it is something that massively impacts defenders bothering to fight back.
Hopefully CCP can revisit this in the future as whole it is a complicated item, I believe it is one worth investing time into.

Can you give me an example of any weekend-only corp that has a history of declaring and fighting wars against slightly larger entities with any degree of success? I’ll allow that such an entity could theoretically exist, but I don’t think it’s at all going to be ordinary under any mechanics.

Already, the aggressor gets to choose: when the war starts, when the shield is attacked, what day the armor timer will be (because they can and will know the time of day, and can set the war start/shield phase in order to choose this). I guess that’s not enough for the attackers. They also need to be able to choose when to defend their HQ…

Totally going to help the small guy :roll_eyes:

By ‘offense’, I think OP meant ‘counterattack’, as in, the chance to get off their back foot in a war and take the fight to the aggressors.

Suggestion: In the corp interface, have an “automatic reject mutual war invitations”. Just to reduce spam.