[Diaspora] Medical Centers for Intaki (or you)

I would like to buy four. Are deliveries arranged or do I need to handle pick up? Sorry if that question has already been answered.

Do let me know if you end up scheduling an Art reception! It’d be nice to see one with real art for a change.


Either the corporation or me personally works. Destination will be the same in either case.

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Thank you Mme. Directrix. We are happy to arrange delivery. I will be in touch.

I was beginning to doubt but at this rate a reception is beginning to seem more in order!


A funny thing happened on the way to the Medical Center market.

Market orders start their life with at most 91 days remaining. This means that market orders with a residual life of over 67 days were entered after Auriga made the original announcement at the top of this thread. At that time the cluster-wide low price was below ISK 69m. And, three days later, someone placed a large sell order in Amarr bringing the low price to ISK 58m where it has hovered ever since (Jita’s 0.01-ISK-ing price competition currently is just below ISK 57m). We cannot claim direct causality without talking with the person responsible for the Amarr order of three weeks ago, but it seems plausible that Diaspora’s entry into the medical facilities industry is disrupting the market even before we place our own sell orders at ISK 45m.

Market data courtesy of EveMarketer.com


I think that I would like to purchase one if you’ve still any in stock.


Thank you Dame Elkin.

Contracts have now been made out to all concerned and accompanying mails sent. Please let either me, Valerie or Bataav know if you have any questions.

That brings us neatly to 10 remaining, which will be listed on the open market in Intaki tomorrow. I am pleased to confirm Valerie’s analysis that the upper band of the donchian channel has dropped materially since we began this exercise. We hope this trend will progress following tomorrow’s listing and will prompt Lai Dai to reflect rationally on its position.

Many thanks to all of you for your support.

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Market: disrupted
Market data courtesy of EveMarketer.com


I’m sorry that I didn’t see this until just now. I rarely visit the IGS. In the future, if you have more need with Humanitarian Relief type thingys, please feel free to reach out to me directly. Thank you.

-Lady Liliana Qadriyah Llŷr-


I expect that purchasing one of the 10 units on sale at Intaki would have much the same effect, less taxes. As I write this, all 10 appear to still be available.

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This is confirm that revenues from sale of our initial production run of medical centers are being reinvested as promised. A first step is to remedy the absence of off-planet manufacturing infrastructure in Intaki - the Diaspora Industrial Freeport is now operational in synchronous orbit with Intaki V-5’s Astral Mining Refinery.


It is an open access facility with manufacturing tax and office rental rates set at non-profit levels (0.1% and 5,000 ISK, respectively).

On behalf of the Diaspora, I welcome IGS readers to consider using the facility, supporting the Intaki V-5 Trade Hub and/or passing this welcome on to anyone else who may be interested.


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