Consequences … likely negative for one of my gameplays, annoying gankers along the pipe, where will they move now? Probably farther from Perimeter …
… Niarja will likely be dead soon as the other Lim systems, so it’s about time CCP reveals what this is all about. So far the whole story net removes content for none-group-PvE players.
As a Minmatar player I quiet like the idea that Jita is 25 jumps to the left of the Minmatar capital and Amarr 25 jumps to the right. With the minmatar capital right in the middle of the new highsec traderoute. Gee whiz its almost like some people have been planning this for months .
It’s great, right? Instead of having two big hubs north/south with the others off axis being a wasteland, we now have four (five counting Hek) hubs arranged like pearls on a necklet.
Big improvement to the game word that will result in other regions being used more. Over time, people will spread out a bit i guess.
You misunderstood, it removes PvP content on different levels. Ganking was mentioned. Jumping on unaware players in trig systems doesn’t compensate for the annoying roaming obstacles In lowsec.
In previous times PvP players could safely ignore PvE stuff if they didn’t want to. Now they are forced to deal with standings and permanently NPC hell-camped systems.
I wouldn’t call EvE a PvP sandbox anymore. CCP puts too much emphasis on obligatory PvE and arena PvP recently (I know why and it’s a bad reason, but a different topic).
CCP made all players have -0.001 standing to Triglavians and 0.000 standing to EDENCOM right from the start. That’s why Triglavians attack players and EDENCOM doesn’t.
Believe me, I don’t like having that content forced upon me either.
No they didn’t. They simply made it so that trigs shoot if you’re not positive with them, and edencom shoots if you’re negative with them. You don’t start negative with trigs. Trigs start hostile to you.
I think CCP are abusing their friendship machine. They learned that people stay longer, play longer if they group up, so all the new content is group only.
There are good reasons to play solo, and they are dismissing those people now going for retention numbers of people who do group up. But they’re losing solo players in the process.
Being a ‘loner’ implies and requires other people - namely those which are being avoided.
The 10 Different Kinds of Loners:
The new kid in town. Many people prefer doing their learning alone, away from social scrutiny and the potential shame of failure.
The Daria. A staggering 90% of the readers of the most mailing lists and message boards never post. These ‘lurkers’ still find value in just watching - because other people are interesting.
The Sociopath. “It’s long been known that people are less inhibited over the phone than in person, and people are now aware that they are less inhibited in email than on the phone, and I believe they are less inhibited in MUDs than in email. This leads to an interesting conclusion for MUD design - penalties won’t solve your playerkiller problem. Helping them gain empathy will.” - Raph Koster
Mr. Lunch At His Desk. Many players are playing under real-world constraints, such as during limited break opportunities at work, or at home when the spouse and baby are asleep.
The Introvert. A huge percentage of the population are Myers Briggs ‘introverts’ - between 25-50% of the population, depending on which study you read.
The Adrift. Having a social group disintegrate can be just as terrifying as being dumped, and create similar feelings of loneliness. In this case, playing solo is a broken state.
The Unworthy. Find ways for these players to learn the skills they need in a solo environment, where they can fail without the social stigma of failure.
Vacationer. The player wants to play the game he loves to escape his obligations. Sometimes this includes his in-game obligations.
The Commitment-phobic. Many players like the idea of group activities like raids, but are leery of huge timesinks, potential drama, or making a commitment to 25 other people who turn out to be idiots.
The Garbo. Some people just want to be left alone. It is important to remember there’s a clear difference between being alone and being lonely.
Even group players do not play in groups all of the time. You still do your PI, station trading, industry, research, ratting, whatever, solo.
But if you aren’t going to participate in multiplayer content why play an MMO, a game where massive sacrifices have been made to support the multiplayer structure? Why not play a single player game that will be a better experience?
all this talk of “yeah shaking up the game is great”
yet what would happen to this game or CCP if they decided to turn off sov and just have null sec be a straight up free for all and scramble gates so they go to random locations add in a bunch of fixed wormholes connecting all areas with no size/mass limits. Maybe they decided to delete alliances too. I mean that would shake things up. Lets remove limits on where capitals and super caps can fly too. Jita ganks with an Avatar yeah! (i mean that would actually be fun even if just to see it once)
I dunno I just find it… odd, that people only find it amazing, fun and best for the game when it only affects stuff thats not their own.
so you buy plex with US Dollars and sell that for your ships. OR you freeload and get free gimmie fits from your corp/alliance overlords.
pro tip - without someone pve’ing you get no faction mods. Without someone MINING you get nothing, at all. No ships, no mods, nothing, you sit in a station till you decay of old age. Good game?
What’s your point? Even if you remove all of the solo PvE-only players people will still mine and build stuff because the game of competitive capitalism is a major part of EVE.
It is not high sec PvE players who are risk averse.
I fly a 1.5 billion isk Phantasm and often carry another billion in loot in my cargo hold. How is it loss averse? I manage my risks. I chose to stay in highsec because the risk of losing this ship is low enough for me. It still exists and I accept it. I lost these ships many times and I keep flying them. I wouldn’t take this ship to lowsec (though I did), because the risk overweights any possible profit for me. But this is not loss aversion, it’s risk management.
Also all the L4 runners in Marauders, or bling fit Incursion runners. They do fly all those expensive ships. Freighters with billions in cargo. They accept the risk of loss when undocking. This is not loss aversion.
What do PvP people fly? Not war doctrine, but common small-mid gang guys? What do gankers fly? It is them who are loss averse. They are using minimum cost ships for the goal. You cant go lower than minimum right? This is exactly what loss aversion is.
If you sum up Mining, Industry, Missions, Hacking, Incursions - PvE stuff, that’s 66.5% of the players. Earlier I gave another chart which said that highsec is 2/3 to 3/4 of the playerbase. That means that 40-50% of the whole playerbase are highsec PvE players.
They are indeed disorganized so they cannot oppose meaningful threat, that is true.
But the reason for that is that rules of highsec for 17 years were such that there wasn’t supposed to be any meaningful threats.
Now they’re changing this rule. Now I don’t see place for my playstyle anymore.
Non sequitur.
Any game company at this point should have realized that retention and population are the key to success. Number of whales is a function of population. The more people play, the more whales there is. Simple as that.
You cant go full elitism, “good riddance”, etc. You cant only cater to PVP crowd. You should support all playstyles, the more the better, so that all your players are happy. Especially in sandbox game.
Ever play ED in solo mode? It becomes boring as heck for most people because everything is scripted. Many of us in EVE play solo because we can’t afford the apparent time commitment many activities/corps require. Some want to stay off coms because drunken 20 year olds grow old real quick. Some prefer turning left at that particular star while their corp hierarchy demands turning right. Some want to unwind by mining rocks and don’t care about the isk ticks they make. Some want to head off solo into the great unknown, discovering something they never have seen before.
The reason they play in an MMO is because the other players and their activities make the entire game more vibrant and interesting. The vast majority of them may not feel comfortable doing the same activities a NS or wormhole group may do or hate the group dynamics that exists in EVE, but fully realize that other players doing other activities than they are is what adds to the entire EVE gaming experience. In effect, you do you and I’ll do me. It only becomes a problem when both camps demand that the other change and only play a certain way. Both sides are guilty of this.
My biggest concern is that CCP is both appearing to herd the base into group PvP activities despite numerous indications that a large number don’t necessarily want to under the current gameplay, while reducing the gameplay options or styles for those wishing more intimate content by either changing/removing existing gameplay or introducing new material that requires only group commitment to be fun/rewarding. They, in effect, fail to granulize the gameplay to allow for any size group (or solo) to find content that meets their ideals. Some of CCP ideas/goals are good ones, they just tend to be inadequately thought out and broken down into forms that the vast majority of the player base could find the one ( or several) that matches their style.
Whatever your playstyle, demanding that everyone else different is both wrong and a bad person in some way shows a lack of intelligence,empathy, and general common sense. I’m happy you (a general you) are doing you; I’ll continue to do me. We can co-exist in EVE if CCP/PA do a proper job in their game design.
Nonsense. When you see people whining about “REMOVE ALL PVP SO I CAN BE SAFE” it’s almost always highsec players. People outside highsec may take measures to reduce the threats they face or the costs of their losses, but they don’t object to the fact that risk exists.
But the reason for that is that rules of highsec for 17 years were such that there wasn’t supposed to be any meaningful threats.
Nonsense. There have been wars, ganking, etc, in highsec for the entire existence of EVE. And for all that time the supposed majority in highsec has refused to do anything to protect their interests, instead preferring to lobby CCP to nerf anything that disrupts their farming. Losing Niarja is just the latest example of a trend that has existed since day one of EVE.
Now I don’t see place for my playstyle anymore.
Ok, bye. Can I have your stuff before you leave?
You cant go full elitism, “good riddance”, etc. You cant only cater to PVP crowd. You should support all playstyles, the more the better, so that all your players are happy. Especially in sandbox game.
And yet EVE’s greatest success happened in an era where they did exactly that: prioritized remaining true to their vision of what EVE should be, a PvP-focused game of warfare and competitive capitalism, instead of dumbing it down for mass appeal.
If its only PvP it’s not sandbox anymore.
Nonsense. That’s not at all what “sandbox” means. A sandbox game is one where the developer does not give you a scripted story to follow, you’re free to play however you like within the constraints of the game world. It does not in any way mean that the developer must provide you with a no-PvP space where you are entitled to farm the same menial content 23/7 without interruption.
Yep. And you know what else is boring as hell? EVE without other players. Combat PvE is a menial grind, mining is completely non-interactive, and manufacturing has no purpose. The only reason to play EVE is for the interactions with other players, whether they are allies or enemies.
We can co-exist in EVE if CCP/PA do a proper job in their game design.
I don’t want to coexist with you. I want you to fail and die and ragequit so that my stuff sells for a better price on the market.